I'm the author of the publishing and query critique blog: The QQQE
I co-author the YA literature blog: YA Confidential
I co-author the MG literature blog: Project MG Mayhem
I'm an aspiring KidLit Novelist, whose published short fiction you can find, here.
I collect vinyl records.
I love Star Wars, Anime, and Tolkien (yes I bought and watched The Hobbit on Blu-Ray last night - it was the third time I've seen it).
Here are my answers to some of the crazy questions we, and some of our readers, came up with:
"Where do you go to "Get away from it all"?"
I don't have time for that much anymore, but when I can, I like to hike in the mountains.
"Where do you hail from?"
Originally? Seattle.
"Name an item that you have too much of."
Records, I suppose.
“Your house in on fire; assuming your kids, pets, and other living things are safe, what do you grab as you head out the door?”
I'm really not a materialistic person, and I back-up my writing meticulously, but I suppose I would try to get my parents' ashes.
"Who is your favorite fictional character and why?"
Gandalf. I've wanted a Wizard for a best friend since I was three years old.
"Do you know how to 'Gangnam Style?'"
Yep. I used to be quite a dancer when I was younger. I could even breakdance a little, but I'm way too old and fat for that now.
Is there anything else you'd like to know? Ask away in the comments, and I'll come back to answer!
Haha. Yeah we've got way too many records too. I used to love to dance. Actually I still do, but don't get many opportunities now.
Um, question ... what vinyl record(s) is/are your most prized?
Who is your favorite non-fictional character and why?
And you could have three bands play at your place for the weekend - who would they be?
@ Jess - I have a first edition of Criminal Minded, from Boogie Down Productions, but I also have some stuff like Star Wars soundtrack picture discs, and some signed Madonna records. Plus I have one that I executive produced when I owned a label, so it's a really tough choice.
@ Maine Character - Non-fictional character? Hmm. Probably Gandhi or Siddhartha. Three bands? I have no idea. I suppose the Grateful Dead, Portisehead, and the Pharcyde.
One can never have too many records - otherwise I'd have to admit my addiction to buy them ;)
I love hiking, too, it's great, fun and inspiring.
My question: are you a fan of extreme sports? what extreme sport would you like to practice and why?
I got rid of all my records but now I have them all on ipod and my Iphone.
Loved the read,
@ Adriana - I've always wanted to try skydiving. I hope I can get around to it before I get too old.
@ Yvonne - Thanks!
I purchased the 3D Bluray of the Hobbit yesterday as well but won't have time until this weekend to watch it.
Want my old record collection?
My husband was breaking dancing at our wedding. That's why half of our wedding pictures are me looking all sexy and him in a jumpsuit...
Top 3 anime series?
I still haven't figured out how to "Gangnam Style" properly. Perhaps I'll learn before the craze is over. LOL!
@ Alex - I don't care that much for 3D, and don't have it at home. And no, I've got too much vinyl already. :)
@ Eliza - Hah! I bet you looked great. And top 3? I would probably say Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bepop, and ... hmm? I like Mushi-shi, but it's very quiet. Of course, this is all assuming you don't count Avatar: the Last Airbender as Anime, which you really shouldn't, even though it's awesome.
@ Jolie - I'm not sure how important it is. I mostly use it to annoy my kids.
It's great to learn more about Matthew!
One can never have too many records!
If you could go anywhere in the world, what/where would your ideal holiday destination be?
Hi Matthew, crazy questions. I love that you'd save your parents' ashes from a fire! I have a vynil record of Elvis singing Blue Suede Shoes. It's one of those big heavy ones that has to be played on 78 rpm. *yes, I guess I am older than you*
Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain
@ Michelle - That's a tough one. I would probably pick Edingurgh, Scotland, or Kyoto, Japan, if I could go anywhere.
@ Rosalind - I have a few 78s. But yeah, they're very old. Mostly it's 12 inch 33s and 7 inch 45s.
Not sure where you live now, but I lived in Pierce County for 12 years! I miss Washington State and the PNW so much. Always nice to meet a fellow Washingtonian. :)
I too was slightly amused you are saving your parents ashes from a fire, my thought was that they might put a bit of weight on. Sorry if that sounds terrible, us Brits are like that.....
Which letter is going to be the hardest for you in the A to Z . . . . I only ask so I can come and look and go HAH HAHAHH HAH AH haahh ah hh hah aha hah hhah haha ha, sorry that sounds bad again but I think I said us Brits are like that. . . .
Rob Z Tobor
@ JoJo - I was born in Seattle and have lived all over the city. I miss it too!
@ Rob - LOL. X is probably the hardest for me.
Portisehead, huh? Can I come to the party?
Now I'm re-thinking our choice to leave the discotheque so early that night... we could have had a pop & lock contest!
@ MsHatch - Yep. I even met their DJ once, Andy Smith.
@ Summer - I was never that great at my pop & lock routine, but I could uprock pretty well.
Nice to meet you, Matthew. Vinyl and hiking - can't go wrong with those two things at all.
How sweet that you'd get your parents. I still have a hard time accepting that my dad fits in a a little box, but I can never pass it without giving him a mental, "love you."
@ M.J. - Yep. If only I could somehow combine the two.
@ Elizabeth - Yeah, it's tough, but thanks.
Yeahh!! We can do Gangnam Style together! :)
i dont even understand Gangnam style.
When are gonna come back to visit Seattle?
@ Ayjay - Anytime!
@ Pam - It's dance, you don't have to understand it, you just have to feel the beat!
@ Nancy - I don't make it out there much these days, but I'll let you know when I do.
Hello fellow Seattle native!
Welcome! I let my kids do the dancing- they are much better at it!
I have actually decided to not buy The Hobbit, at least for the moment. Maybe I will change my mind after the others come out, but, for now, I'm giving this one a pass.
I guess I have too many records also, but CD's and cassette tapes surpassed the vinyl numbers long ago.
Thanks for being such a great addition to the A to Z Team.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
@ Tami - Hello to you too!
@ Btobblogg - Dancing isn't about skill, it's about having the most fun.
@ Andrew - I can always count on you to be a contrarian!
@ Lee - You're most welcome, and thanks for having me!
Seriously - how cool would it be to have a wizard for a best friend - especially Gandoff? The Hobbit just came out? Must rent it this weekend.
Dumbledore, Sydney Carton, and Holden Caulfield are my favorite characters :) But Gandalf is pretty awesome too.
>shrug< What can I say?
@ Kimberly - I would settle for Dumbledore, of course. Enjoy the Hobbit!
@ SC - You can't help but love Sydney Carton, can you?
@ Andrew - I actually like that about you, so it's all good. And at least you're consistent.
That's true. I am that.
And, hey, it's not really my fault that world doesn't live up to my standards, you know?
I have 600+ vinyl records stuffed in one of my closets...just waiting for a proper shelving unit to display them! :)
It was nice learning more about you. I especially appreciated your answer about what you'd grab in a fire. See you at A to Z!
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
I think I have seen your name and read some of your comments on other blogs.
I have signed up for the A to Z challenge this year too. Lets see what I can write.
You have accomplished a lot. that is a good thing.
@ DL - You gotta put 'em up!
@ Empty - Thanks!
@ Munir - I don't know about that, but still - thanks!
There is something about vinyl. I was longing to hear a song last week...but the vinyl version with the extra "sounds". I was too lazy to bring the turntable upstairs though (the husband sols off most of his 400 lp collection, but there still are quite a few goodies hanging around)
Hey, Matthew!
I always liked the idea of escaping to a little cabin in the mountains to write. One day, I shall have that cabin. I'm also coveting the fact that you're from Seattle. I bet the light houses are beautiful. I look forward to learning more about you. :)
@ Andrea - Yep. We call that the "warm analog tone," and we love it, even when it pops and hisses.
@ Celeste - Thank you! I do miss Seattle so.
We need proof of the dancing. Video, please. hehe
Nice to meet you. I copied all my vinyl onto CDs a couple of years ago.
You are all mentioning bands I've never heard of, getting too old I guess.
Great interview sir.
I want to see you dance Gangnam Style. Youtube it. :D
Hi Matthew .. a YouTube clip of you dancing Gangnam Style ... should keep us amused through the A-Z ..
Well I bet your parents are pleased you want to keep them with you .. through fire and brimstone ...
See you Mr Co-host over the A-Z .. cheers Hilary
Gangnam Style sure is catchy; I get that stuck in my head frequently.
Gandalf rocks!!
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
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