For our team A post, we present a brief interview with the 2018 Amazing Alphabet Team!
(The fine folks who volunteer their time, energy, and skills to make this challenge happen for you. There will be a seperate post to honor our Amazing graphics guy, Jeremey, later this month.)
1- What's your passion in life?
Arlee- One passion that consumes much of my thinking is road tripping. I hate to think of a time when I wouldn't be able to drive.
J- Writing is my passion. That's how I relate to the world.
Csenge- Storytelling. It is both my passion and my profession, which makes me incredibly lucky.
John- Music. Roughly half of my posts outside the A to Z Challenge are about music, and a couple of years ago I had two themes (quite by accident) and one of them was music.
Jayden-Writing, of course. It's therapeutic. But music is a close second. Singing is like sharing a story through song and I love that.
2- What are your goals during the A to Z Challenge 2018?
Arlee- To keep a balance in my life between blogging and other stuff around me. But I do want to get my posts done before April.
J- My goals are to make this year really fun for all participants, to complete the challenge, and to leave comments on 300 blogs. On my own blog, I have a short story told in parts, which my goal is to get people to think about life. (If you do too, check out the stories of A to Z post!)
Csenge- My goal is to write posts that people find both entertaining and informative. Also, to make some new blogging friends! I have found marvelous blogs through the challenge in the past, I am looking forward to more.
John- To have all the posts done by April 1 and do as much visiting of other blogs as I can during April.
Jayden- My goal for this year is to have all of my posts ready to go before April 1st so I can enjoy exploring new blogs! I have found some awesome writers I am excited to catch up with this year and I look forward to finding even more!
3- What was your biggest accomplishment in the last 12 months?
Arlee- It's become a yearly tradition--driving back east to see family, friends, and especially my grandkids including the newest girl child, Logan Lego. This past year I made the trip twice.
J- Publishing my debut novel, Fractions of Existence, was my biggest accomplishement in the last 12 months. One of the coolest parts was being interviewed on the Debut Author Spotlight at Operation Awesome. (That's what I usually do on Wednesdays, so it was fun to switch to the hotseat.)
Csenge- Finishing my PhD, and publishing Dancing on Blades, my new folktale collection!
John- Continuing my streak of consecutive days posting to the blog, now close to 1500.
Jayden-Publishing my first Choose Your Own Adventure Erotic Novel: Runaway. I couldn't believe how much fun I had writing it for NaNoWriMo last year. I released one iteration of the novel in last year's A to Z Blog Challenge. Publishing the whole novel April 30th was incredible!
4- What about a blog will catch your eye and turn you into a regular visitor?
Arlee- Interesting material written in an accessible style--and preferably in black print on a white background.
J- A blog with a subject I enjoy written in captivating manner will always keep me coming back for more.
Csenge- I like blogs with interesting topics or themes. Bonus if they are related to folklore, mythology, or role-playing games.
John- Humor. I like to laugh.
Jayden-I love a well written story. I enjoy characters whose lives are compelling, particularly if it's an ongoing story!
5- Besides your blog, how can you be reached online?
Arlee- I'm not on social media very much, but I can be found on Twitter @ArleeBird
J- Twitter is my favorite method of online communication. I'm also on and most of the other major social media outlets.
Csenge- Twitter (, and the Facebook page for my "Following folktales around the world" series.
John- I have presences on Facebook (, Twitter (, Pinterest (, and Instagram ( Probably the best way would be through Instagram, as I don't check the others that frequently.

If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:
This form will close in 48 hours.
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We post at Midnight GMT.
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If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:
(If you intend to make a copy of the spreadsheet, we suggest waiting until the form closes.)
Click for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!
"I enjoy challenges. If a challenge is in front of me and it appeals to me, I will go ahead and conquer it." - Conor McGregor
Hari OM
Thanks guys... off and running! This is my first go at A-Z; quality over quantity is my choice. A handful of blogs with good interaction is all I expect and require from this experience.
Now for an OOPSIE moment... got carried away on the first entry form, so B and C also appear on today's G-page, for which my apologies. They should be on their proper pages now, so if someone wishes to remove the second and third entries for Doses of Wild YAM, that would be appreciated. Or they can just hang there...
Best wishes to everyone for an enjoyable April! YAM xx
We don't intend to fix the daily link ups.
That policy being stated, I noticed the error before I even read this comment, and adjusted the issue.
You're welcome. :) bless you - ta!!! Yxx
Hello everyone! :)
Yay! We're up and going!
(I loved my roadtrips, too... then moved to China. HELL no!)
Great to know a little more about the team. Also wonderful to be at the start of another challenge. Happy A-Zing everyone!
You're all doing a great job, I was the first to sign up on the first A to Z, Ican't participate this year due to health and personal issues but I wish you all the best of luck on a challenge I love so much.
Wow...I now know a slice from your lives! Thanks for sharing. And most important, thanks for hosting this mega event for bloggers like me all over the world.
Interesting interview...big thanks to all the coordinators and volunteers for this amazing challenge.
At 1300hrs BST there are 697 entries on the Master List and 162 on the Letter A Spreadsheet - surely the link to the letter spreadsheet needs to be easier for people to find. I have commented on a number of blogs for 'A' posts that have not made it to the spreadsheet.
Nice to learn more about you all. Thanks for all the work you do on this challenge.
Hi I am a 1949 model! yup 68 and Loving LIFE as a Corporate Trainer and a Brand Consultant for a not to profit organization involved in avoidable blindness in India. I have 500+ posts in my blog and wow thanks to you folks to be in this challenge of April A to Z Cheers. God bless let us enjoy this ... Go for it guys. All the best.
Three Cheers to the rocking A-Z team! You guys make it all so worthwhile. Gratitude.
Wonderful post to get things started!
Thanks Team! Great to read the helpful insights you have shared!
I'm delighted to take part in my second challenge.
All the best to everyone!
Hi, I can't find my name on the sign up sheet anymore! It was there, I got some visitors...I'd signed up when there were 300 odd entries. Blog- Thanks!
Yamini, I couldn't see your name on the sign up sheet...Nupur (
The form list should make visiting blogs each day much easier. =)
Great to learn a bit more about the team. Awesome job - especially impressed with anyone that gets all their posts done by April 1st.
Wrote about Amazing Things that my 10 year old self would find miraculous today...
Read and add to the list
Amazing Things
Its good to know you all. Achievements in last 12 months (Question 3) caught my attention in particular.
Starting this challenge with a band. Good luck to all participants.
Great interview. Thanks to the whole team for all their hard work in setting up the challenge this year.
Hey There! Nice to be part of this challenge once again. The master list idea is clever, I like it.
I'm writing cinquain poems this year.
Amber and azure
Arlee thanks for yet another year of A to Z. To each of you thank you for the time you spend to make this happen.
Almost didn't do this year but here I am.
sorry I've forgotten how to put in the URL link.
Here is my A post A is for Anne of Green Gables
Here's my post:
Love to read others as well.
Iam unable to see my name and post in the main list and post list. I registered through blogchatter... my blog is
For Sunday I just posted a picture. Because weekends are for the easy posts ;)
Alphabet Filing Cabinet
It was great to read about all you and your amazing accomplishments. Thanks for being such an amazing alphabet team!
A decision to move to a new country is a tough decision
It's 14 on the A list.
Not everyone intends to use the daily letters. We set it up this year to give people options.
That is odd.
I see you're 79 on the Theme reveal.
Are you certain you signed up on both the Master List and the Theme reveal?
I have no idea what blogchatter is.
The ONLY way to get on the Master List was to use the form link that was provided on this site. That's it. Even the A to Z team used the form to get on the spreadsheet.
It was a hectic beginning, and I was scrambling. Now that I'm caught up, I'm enjoying getting to know you all, and diving in (at last!) to making visits.
I know...I'm definitely not on top of this yet. But I'm here, and trying, and, this year, that might be the best I've got to give.
I decided to run an alphabetical monstrorium. I was late to sign up for the Master List, but I was told I could still participate, so here is my entry: "A is for Aboleth", in which I tell you about this mysterious aberration.
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